Meet Cameron

Meet Cameron

Hi Guys,

I’m Cameron qualified Master and Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coaching, NLP Therapy, Time Line Therapy® and Diploma of Hypnotherapy.

 I grew up in the Barossa Valley on a vineyard, living and working on the property while also interacting with many different cultures that came through the backpackers we ran to help with income in the grape gluts.

 One day I had this voice in my head saying, “you should have a real job” These days I know that was a limiting belief, however back then I went and chased a career as an electrician, accelerating and chasing the $ once qualified.

 Working on drilling rigs for 3 years I soon realised the thirst for money meant I had lost the balance in my life (something that I came to realise was a bad thing to chase, work life balance is bad), if you’re not balancing your falling over, which I did.

 Luckily, I decided depression was rock bottom enough for me and I had to do something different to get the consistent results I wanted.

 Learning the craft of NLP, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis I was able to create the change in my life that I really needed. Finally dealing with that self-talk, I could finally be clear with myself and assist people around me unlock their true potential in this world.

Communication is key to all our falls and successes. Come with me on a journey to create the clear communication for yourself and the people around you and achieve all you have ever truly desired plus more.

Vision, Mission & Values

Vision – Highest Purpose – The reason you are on the planet.

Learn the way to craft your big why you are here, your purpose the thing that will get you out of bed each day after those long days.

My vision is to assist the evolution of man kind

Mission – What are your trying to achieve.

Create compelling missions that will drive you for growth. The mission is what we are striving to become. It’s the path that takes us towards our vision.

I have 2 missions.

1. Nationwide coaching specialising with relationships in business

2. Proven NLP trainings giving people more tools to achieve more in business and relationship

Values – Language around the magic of the business

Values are our standards. They are not what we want, but are what is important to us. They are unconscious, I show you how to bring your unconscious values to your conscious awareness and enforce the boundaries around them.

PROSPERITY: Success for all, profitability, comfort and security

CLIENTS & STUDENTS: Continued acquisition of new while retaining the old for continued growth

INTEGRITY: True to self, honest and reliable

GROWTH: Always ahead of the game, able to always add value

OUTCOMES: Meeting and exceeding expectations always


Here are answers to some common questions. 
  • What’s the process with coaching?

    The coaching you undertake with me is a custom approach. I don’t do one size fits all, they are specialty programs that are tailor made to the individuals needs and outcomes

  • Why do you do what you do?

    The bigger picture for me is to assist the evolution of man kind, assisting people to grow themselves, their relationships and their business by creating emotional intelligence and giving people the tools to think critically (meaning they ask questions to get the result they want rather then being lead blindly by what they are told) 

  • What benefits can I/We expect to achieve?

    Freedom, clarity, within yourself, laser focus to achieve goals, better relationships, healthier all round life. Integration of all areas of life, creating harmony. 

  • Do you have formal qualifications

    I am Master and Trainer approved and Certified  by the American board of hypnotherapy time line therapy(r), NLP coaching and NLP therapy. 

  • How do guarantee your outcomes?

    Rather then playing in the symptons I get to the core of the problem and release it. Everything I do is a do with process, I am here as the guide and your become the empowered hero. Tasking holds you accountable to gurantee your own results.

  • How do I know I need your services?

    I believe everyone can benefit from any form of coaching.  If you are a motivated indvidiual or couple that wants rapid results and is willing to  do whatever it takes to achieve your goials, then take action today.  

Take action today!

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